Spinning wool Romanian doll. Plastic doll in fixing pose with painted face features, standing on oval plastic stand marked "Coop. "ARTA CRISANA" Oradea. PAPUSA TARANCA SIBIU". Height: 20cm without a stand Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, synthetic fabric, lace, trims, wooden spindle, wooden distaff, wool, leather for shoes, sequins, paper flower
Shepherd doll with dog. Plastic doll in fixing pose with painted face features, standing on wooden stand, packed in carboard box, no marks. Height: 29,5cm without a stand Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, natural sheepskin, trims, wooden stick and stand, plastic dog.
Plastic doll in fixing pose with painted face features, standing on wooden stand. Height: 20,5cm without a stand Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, cotton lace, trims, natural leather for the shoes, machine and hand embroidery, seed beads for the necklace, wooden stand.
Wooden doll in fixing pose with painted clothes and face features. The doll has yarn mustache and hair. Height: 18cm without a stand Materias: wood, cotton rope over the leg base, wooden decorative bottle with cotton trim hang, wooden stand marked Romania.
Plastic doll with painted face features, has wire armatire for the whole body, arms and legs. Height: 20cm Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, cottom lace, trims, machine embroidery, seed beads for the necklace, clay for the boots.
Spinning wool Romanian doll. Plastic doll with painted face features, attached to the transparent plastic box marked Romania. The back of the box marked "I.F. PETRESCU DORIAN-VALERIU BUCURESTI" Height: 13cm Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, natural wool, wooden spin, trims, hand embroidery, natural leather for the shoes.
Plastic doll with painted face features, has movable head, arms and legs, plastic shoes. She's attached to the plastic stand, packed into cardboard box marked "ROMANIA-749, Made in Italy" Height: 17cm Materias: plastic, cotton fabric, silk fabric, felt vest and top of the shoes, trims, mohair hair.